Briefing ======== * * Full briefing * {:A0} {§1}Mission Briefing:{§0}@ {#1} @Received a message from the Captain saying@ there's a ComBot up north. I'd like to shake@ the hand of the chickenshit that abandoned it.@ After Harvey gets his work done we'll try to@ reach it and put it to good use.@ {#0} @@{§1}Victory Conditions:{§0}@@ {#1} @Destroy all entry points.@ {#1} @Reach the ComBot.@ {#0} @@{§1}Defeat Conditions:{§0}@@ {#1} @Sergeant Bratt is killed during action. {#1} @Harvey is killed during action.{*} {#0} * * Short briefing (only the victory and defeat conditions) * {:B0} {§1}Victory:{§0}@ {§1}Destroy all entry points.{§0}@ {§1}Reach the ComBot.{§0}@ ...@ {§1}Defeat:{§0}@ {§1}Sergeant Bratt is killed.{§0}@ {§1}Harvey is killed.{§0}@ ...{*} * * Tips * {:C0} {§1}Tips:{§0}@ {#1} @ - Use the flame thrower to narrow the entry points.@ @ - Don't hesitate, speed is critical.@ @ {#0} {*} * * Briefingprogram 10-40 * PIC {:00}br_111_0| X {:01}415| Y {:02}270| DESC1 {:03}Destroy all entry points.| PIC {:10}br_112_0| X {:11}310| Y {:12}070| DESC1 {:13}Reach the ComBot.| * * Tipprogram 50-90 * PIC {:50}br_112_1| X {:51}415| Y {:52}100| DESC1 {:53}Move blocks with the Hand icon.|